AND/OR, Project Number (London), Wysing Arts Center, NGCA (Sunderland), ATTIC (Nottingham)
AND/OR, 2015,
FOAM archive, untitled drawings,
whiteboardmarker, magnets, spray paint,
stainless steel & ply, Black MDF
︎ courtsey of Tom Carter.
FOAM is a peripateic archive of commissioned artist 12” vinyl records (dub plates). Records are unique and one-off, can only be listened to in situ and are not broadcasted or disseminated.
A full list of all contributing aritsts and artworks within the archive can be found at
A full list of all contributing aritsts and artworks within the archive can be found at

Project Number, 2015,
FOAM archive, untitled drawings
whiteboardmarker, magnets,
spray paint, stainless steel & ply
︎ courtsey of Angus Mill.